"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Friday, October 14, 2005

I KNOW what I think

I KNOW what I think but what do the great minds think?  JB
  John Derbyshire responds:  

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October 13, 2005, 8:32 a.m.Does Anyone Have a Clue?The truth about opinions.
I was glad to see Michael Ledeen, in The Corner recently, let loose with the following flash of candor, in re our president’s latest pick for a Supreme Court justice:
I used to be proud to call myself an intellectual, but I have learned that most of the time intellectuals are wrong. Hell, most everyone is wrong most of the time. So I am not impressed by George Will's call for some sophisticated deep thinker for the S[upreme] C[ourt], and I do have some sympathy for the idea of a normal human being sitting alongside the deep thinkers.
Leaving aside the whole Supreme Court issue, Michael is voicing a thought I myself have rather frequently nowadays: The thought that I don’t know jack, that my opinions are no better than anyone else’s, and that the same thing is true of all the rest of those of us who flatter ourselves with the title of "opinion journalist." “Everyone is wrong most of the time.” Yup, and that includes us bloviators.       Read the rest

One of the great talks I heard was 15 years ago at a convention of Christian mental health practioners.  The title of the speech was:  WE DON’T KNOW JACK!  The speaker took 45 minutes to prove his point.  It was brilliant.  I’ve never forgot and I think he and John Derbyshire are right.  

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