"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Highlighting the Cheapening of Marriage - a problem with the new homosexual marriage laws.

Bryan And Bill Get Married, Keep Girlfriends - read it all
Posted by Kate at 10:07 Found on OUTSIDETHEBELTWAY.com

Toronto Sun article highlights one consequence of Canada's new laws allowing same-sex marriage that should have been obvious.

Bill Dalrymple, 56, and best friend Bryan Pinn, 65, have decided to take the plunge and try out the new same-sex marriage legislation with a twist -- they're straight men.

"I think it's a hoot," Pinn said...................................................

Predictably, a "warning" from Toronto lawyer Bruce Walker, a gay and lesbian rights activist.

"Generally speaking, marriage should be for love," he said. "People who don't marry for love will find themselves in trouble."

Whatever, Bruce.

Having convinced a majority of Canadian MP's that the "ability to procreate" isn't a defining characteristic of "marriage", tell me - -what's so damned special about "love"?

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