"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Friday, May 06, 2005

A Disturbing, but not surprising, piece of news found on Michelle Malkin who found it on Frontpagemag.

Felons lose their right to vote while in prison in most states and even after release in a few states, including Florida. In 2000 an estimated 10,000 felons voted illegally in Florida. Where their voter registration was checked, 85 percent of these convicted felons were registered as Democrats.

(This makes perfect sense for them to favor the party of legalized theft, taxing the daylights out of the rich and productive so that the fruits of their labor can be given to the lazy and unproductive. Democratic Party class warfare is the criminal mindset in political form.)
JB here: There are so many images that come to mind as one considers crooked politicians of the Democrat variety. However, given enough time in power the Repubs may match or surpass what the Dems have done, but probably not in my lifetime.

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