"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


November 20th, 2012

Hi Quinn, you'll not be reading this for a few years but I just want to tell you something.  I was upstairs crying when they were struggling to bring you into the world on November 19, 2012.  It was touch and go there for a couple of hours and I was pretty scared.  But you had good doctors, nurses and a loving God who was determined you were going to make it; and make it you did.

Today is the second day of your life; they're weaning you off the oxygen and your Mom is starting to feel a little better  prepared to take you home in the next couple of days.  Besides your Mom and Dad, you've got Grandpa and Grandma Wolfer and Grandma Brown up there with you.  You don't know it but you have a ton of family who has been praying for you for the last few months but particularly in the last few hours.  You are most fortunate Quinn, not everybody comes into this world with all the love and prayers you have been bathed with.

Quinn, I've waited along time to be a grandfather and you have made it come true.  You'll be my favorite oldest granddaughter for ever.  I've got your name on my heart and that won't change.
I think you're going to like life.young lady and you're definitely going to flourish and prosper;  All the Wolfer/Brown grandchildren do ( a little humor; you are, so far, the only Wolfer/Brown grandchild).

I hope to come see you in a couple of months; take lots of pictures and hold serious talks about your future.  I'll take the pictures of course, you can do some of the talking.  It'll be great.  I'll show you how to hold my finger in your little fist.  What fun that will be.  And if you're lucky I'll play the "So-do-we" game where I bounce you up and down on my lap then pretend to let you slip to the floor.  I loved that game when I was your age and I'm going to teach you how to play it.  (Don't worry, I'll do all the hard work, you just squeal with laughter.)

I promise to continue to pray for you Quinn as long as I have breath - which might be a very, very long time. You never know.  I might not get to see you too much in person but we're gonna SKYPE like crazy; yes siree.  I'll do my part while you thoroughly enjoy being Quinn in a loving family, that's your part.

Well bye for now Quinn; I'll see you in a couple of months, "The Lord willing and the creek don't rise."

I love you Quinnie - Grandpa JB
April 13, 2013

Well Quinn, instead of me coming up to Medicine Hat to see you, we decided to fly you and your Mom down to Florida to see  all us.   Instead of only getting to you see you 3 or 4 days, I'm getting to see you 2 weeks plus.  It has been so much fun holding you, playing with you and talking with you.  You've held my fingers, we've played "So-DO-We" and I have played  " This Little Piggy" with your toes.  It's been all fun and you have enjoyed yourself immensely.

This is my favorite picture of us ( and we've taken a ton of pictures ).

You've just finished your bath and your Mom has handed you to me to hold and dry while she cleans up.   It's so much fun.

August 2013 -
Your Dad, Grandma Wolfer and other family members took a trip to Europe so you and your Mom came down to spend a month with us.  You were 9 months old and we had a wonderful time.  We took a lot of pictures and one day we went to the beach.  This is my favorite Grandpa/Quinnie picture.

Grandpa's are born to take their Granddaughters to the beach.  It was so much fun and I love this picture of you and me.

Nov. 1, 2014 - Hi Quinn, you're almost two and you have been staying in Jacksonville with "Gaga" and "Papa" for the last 20 days.  You came down with your Dad and Mom.  Dad had to return after a few days but you and your Mom have been here enjoying your grandparents and the city.  Actually, the joy is all ours.  As Uncle Tom said on one of his Facebook posts, while you were a handful you were still "adorbs."  I agree with his assessment.
You talk wonderfully, you run all over the place.  You're still putting random things in your mouth if we don't watch you like a hawk but you bring smiles to our faces every single day.  You've gone to the Zoo, you've gone to the beach seveeral times.  You got your first haircut AND you went Trick or Treating on Halloween dressed in your tiger outfit.  You were cute.  Sadly for Gaga and Papa, you'll be going back home in two days.  We are going to SOOOOoo miss you.  I'm just glad we can see you and talk to you on SKYPE everyday.  So we still get to see you growing up.
Me 'n Gaga love you to pieces Quinn.  We love watching you grow up.    Papa

Monday, November 12, 2012


As I mentioned in a previous post, I tend to be a little wacko about living efficiently.  Today was no exception.

I'm getting ready to turn into a gas station to fill up when a lady driving a similar sized vehicle pulls in first (she broke no laws doing so, she just didn't let me go first).  Well I'm irritated and I mutter to myself, "Lady you might have pulled in first but I'm betting you'll pull out last because I am deadly efficient when it comes to pumping gas.

Even as I'm pulling up to my pump and braking, I'm reaching down to pull on the little gas lever lid release then immediately grabbing my wallet out of the door pocket all in one continuous movement.  I turn off the engine but leave the keys in the ignition so I won't have to search my pockets for the keys when I'm ready to drive off.  Even as I step out of the car, I'm opening my wallet for the I.D. card allowing the  I.D. reader to search it and give me the green light.  While waiting for the green okay, I'm grabbing the credit card with my other hand, flipping it to the right position to push and pull it out of the credit card reader once I get the okay.  Still holding the wallet open, I stick both cards back into their proper places while waiting to hit the "credit" versus "debit" button when it appears.  At the first sign of my zip code address request, I'm typing away with one hand while reaching behind me with the other to unscrew the gas lid.  It's all going like clockwork.

The gas pump computer whirs for a few second then tells me to grab the gas pump gun and chose the octane.  In a flash I've got the gun in the tank, push the 87 octane button and begin pumping away.  Somewhere around the 40 dollars mark, I'm done.  Rapidly I return the gun to the pump, spins the gas cap into place (making sure I hear those little clicks), slam the little gas lid close, step into the car while simultaneously slipping the wallet back into the door.  Put on the seat-belt, start the ignition and begin driving out.

Ah HAH!  The lady is STILL in the process of pumping gas while I'm driving away.  OBVIOUSLY an inefficient gas pumper.

I guess I showed her.  EFFICIENCY RULES!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

DAVID PETRAEUS; his adultery goes public

1) I do hope Mrs. Petraeus has wonderful friends, a good support system and a strong faith.  How would it be to wake up one day and find your marital issues spread all over the nations news?  I have no idea what she is like but I'm thinking she's not too happy and truly caught on the proverbial Horns of a Dilemma.  She and David have been married many years, have a lifetime of memories and now it's all up for grabs.  What should she do, which way should she go.

My rabbinical counsel to Mrs. P;  DON'T MAKE ANY MAJOR DECISIONS THIS YEAR.

Either she can live with the adultery or she can't; but it simply takes time to sort it out and you cannot really rush the process.  Take your time Mrs. P.  Don't let anybody rush you into a life changing decision.

2) David, I hope you are actually a good guy.  Your sins are acknowledged, you've already done the "wrong thing," now it's time to do the next "right thing."  If you're actually a "good guy," you will.

Two famous people who have actually set good examples after their betrayals of their spouse are Chris Evert and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Chris left her husband of 18 years, Andy Mills, for the Australian golfer Greg Norman, and within 18 months rapidly found out it was a mistake.  She later said her husband, Andy, did not deserve this.  And then she fell apart.

Arnold's background is one of extensive promiscuity.  High profile marriage, had at least one, if not more affairs, and when this one went public, his wife Maria Shriver divorced him.  He has said publically and privately "He screwed up."  After a separation, Maria has divorced him though he indicates he'd like to get back with her.

My rabbinical counsel to Gen. P:  DO EVERYTHING WITHIN YOUR POWER TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE.  You're gonna have to be patient but you can rebuild if she'll let you.

Finally Gen. P.  There is a great and forgiving God; I'd encourage you to seek after Him with all your heart.  He is the one who takes lemons and makes lemonade. He'll be your anchor thru the storm if you'll let Him.