"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama vs McCain; the probability scales

Obama will CERTAINLY raise taxes
McCain MIGHT raise taxes

Obama will CERTAINLY NOT save social security
McCain will CERTAINLY NOT save social security

Obama’s judges will CERTAINLY move the USA towards European socialism
McCain’s judges will ??????????????

Obama will CERTAINLY help legalize homosexual marriages
McCain MIGHT help legalize homosexual marriages

Obama MIGHT persecute Bush/Cheney and Rove after the fact
McCain WILL NOT persecute Bush/Cheney and Rove after the fact

Obama will CERTAINLY grow big government
McCain will PROBABLY grow big government

Obama will CERTAINLY increase the national debt
McCain will CERTAINLY increase the national debt

Obama will CERTAINLY work for no limits to abortion
McCain will PROBABLY maintain current limitations.
( Neither will reverse Roe v Wade )

Obama will CERTAINLY work to shut down conservative talk radio
McCain PROBABLY won’t work to shut down conservative talk radio

Obama will CERTAINLY allow “hate speech” to be used against Conservative Christians
McCain MIGHT allow “hate speech” to be used against Conservative Christians

Obama will CERTAINLY pursue amnesty and benefits for illegal immigrants
McCain will PROBABLY pursue amnesty and benefits for illegal immigrants

Obama will CERTAINLY make small business more difficult
McCain will PROBABLY make small business more difficult

Obama will CERTAINLY withdraw troops from Iraq
McCain will CERTAINLY withdraw troops from Iraq

Obama will CERTAINLY NOT interfere with the U.S. Slouching towards Gomorrah
McCain will PROBABLY NOT interfere with the U.S. Slouching towards Gomorrah

Obama will NOT be a new and different politician
McCain will NOT be a new and different politician

Obama will CERTAINLY make us wish for a return of Bush/Cheney
McCain will CERTAINLY make us wish for a return of Bush/Cheney - grin

NEITHER of them will save the country from itself.

1 comment:

Joel Mielke said...

"Obama will CERTAINLY make us wish for a return of Bush/Cheney."

Gosh, Mr. "philosopher," how would he accomplish this?