"HOW SHALL WE THEN LIVE?" Francis Schaeffer

Saturday, June 09, 2012


I hate it that Gerry Rafferty drank himself to death at the age of 63.  As I'm writing this I'm listening to his last single, LIFE GOES ON, released in 2009.  Obviously, at the end of his life,  he could still write music; beautiful music and great lyrics. The one battle he didn't win was with himself.
They say his father was an abusive alcoholic; Gerry had at least one child, Martha, and she maintains the official website and has only nice things to say about her Dad.  One thing of note, she says he had a serious work ethic; was always working on his music.  He slept during the day, did his music at night, perhaps it was in the dark lonely hours that he drank.  Apparently he hid his alcoholism quite successfully from people who knew him but it ultimately owned his soul.

I heard Gerry believed in Karma; which would fit in with his hit single, If You Get it Wrong You Get It Right Next Time.  But his funeral was in a church in Scotland, a rare sunshiny day.  He had friends, they mourned his passing.  Holy Writ says, "It is appointed unto man once to die; then judgment."  There is no "second chance" to redo one's life.  Life doesn't go on.

Gerry will never again give the world a tune to hum, a musical story to sing, a vision of love to believe in.

I hate it that Gerry Rafferty drank himself to death at the age of 63.

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